Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Take Action this October!
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), a time to acknowledge and advocate for domestic violence survivors. The YWCA USA is the largest network of domestic and sexual violence service providers in the nation. More than 150 YWCAs across 44 states provide gender-based violence services. Every year, in communities big and small, YWCAs get up and do the work of providing safe and secure housing, crisis hotlines, counseling, court assistance, and other community and safety programs to more than 535,000 women, children and families.
To benefit survivors of domestic violence at Transition House & YWCA Cambridge, we are collecting full size toiletry items by Monday, October 24, 2022 at 7 Temple St., 2nd Floor PH: 617-868-1650, Mon-Thurs 10AM-4PM (see flier for list of items).
“You have given me security. That is something I haven’t had much of in my life. My entire life has been full of tears and confusion. Every scar I carry, I wear as a badge. It gives me something to look at and tells me I can get through whatever comes my way. It is my strength! Every ounce of power and energy I gave to my husband I am now taking it all back! I can’t say thank you enough for the gifts you have given me. Don’t ever think you don’t make a difference in the lives of people that walk through your doors each day!”
—Survivor Statement from YWCA Pierce County, WA
Despite significant progress in reducing domestic violence, an average of 20 people are physically abused by intimate partners every minute. This equates to more than 10 million abuse victims annually. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been physically abused by an intimate partner, and 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men have been severely physically abused by an intimate partner. In addition, millions of children are exposed to domestic violence. Domestic violence incidents affect every person within a home and can have long-lasting negative consequences on children's emotional well-being, and social and academic functioning (NCTSN). Anyone, regardless of gender, race, sexual identity or orientation, or socio-economic status, can become a victim of domestic violence. This year’s campaign theme, #Every1KnowsSome1, aims to emphasize how common domestic violence is and that it is more than physical violence. The devastating effects of domestic violence can cross generations and last a lifetime.
Having informed conversations about domestic violence requires understanding what it is—that it’s much more than physical abuse—and why ‘just leaving’ isn’t so simple for survivors. Supporters like you can help educate your friends, families, and communities, and get these conversations started!
As a society, we all have a role in changing the narrative about what domestic violence is, to whom it happens, and how we can support those who are experiencing it, and, ultimately, prevent it entirely. Every1KnowsSome1 who is affected by domestic violence, and Every1 has a part to play in supporting our work to end domestic violence.
Week Without Violence
At YWCA, we are eliminating racism and empowering women. Since 1995, YWCAs across the country and their supporters assemble the third week of October (October 17 – 22, 2022) for a Week Without Violence, a global movement in partnership with WorldYWCA to end violence against women and girls.
Events range from engaging complex dialogues to workshops, community service opportunities, and public awareness exercises. All activities tackle a central theme, which is the pervasive and intersectional nature of gender-based violence and its impact on our communities.
Additionally, because some gender-based violence goes unacknowledged, underreported or does not receive the same sense of urgency, sensitive subjects such as intimate partner violence, sexual assault, trafficking, and harassment are addressed as well. Every year we ask survivors, partners and allies to mobilize with us during our Week Without Violence, as we raise our voices as a force for change. We hope you too will raise your voice with us in supporting the reduction of domestic violence.
P.S. Free and confidential help is available 24/7 for individuals experiencing domestic violence. Those seeking help may contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).